Saturday, December 28, 2013

The Trials and Tribulations of a Game of Thrones Fan

I started reading the Game of Thrones series around two years ago. I don't have cable (and am too impatient to wait and torrent the episodes) so I don't really watch the TV series, although I've seen some episodes and they are really faithful to the books.

So I just finished the third book and I'm like auiongPIOFSDPUjfsadoi[h8eubdfjs;fds

Red Wedding, that is all.

George R. R. Martin is seriously running out of characters to write with if he keeps killing them off, especially the ones that I like. I bet he's laughing at us speculating about who eventually gets the Iron Throne because:


Sigh, such is the life of a GoT fan. Starting book 4 because it's Winter Break and I have no life, I'm pretty sure the body count is going to quadruple. 


  1. Ya this is really embarrassing for you. (just kidding). Worth a read?

  2. Yes! It's a long read but it's good! If you don't have the patience or time to read the show is worth taking up
